Real-time, automated headcount financials

headcount365 automates 95% of the headcount financial reconciliation process

Real-Time Headcount Financials

headcount365 automatically calculates the in-year and annualized impact of hiring. Finance now has instant access to the real time picture of headcount spend and savings.

Eliminate Reconciliations

headcount365 connects directly with Applicant Tracking Systems. Finance teams no longer have wait for stale reporting, or meet with recruiting teams to reconcile budgets.

Finance teams no longer need to have a full-time
resource dedicated to harvesting financial data
from your hiring activity

The ultimate toolkit for rockstar talent leaders

Spend Smarter

No more waiting for reconciliation meetings, Finance teams now have access to headcount savings the instant they are available.

headcount365 automatically calculates the impact of missed offer dates, backfills, and offer variance to give Finance a real time picture of available budget. Budget that can be applied to recruiting production or deployed to other areas of the business for smarter, more efficient use of capital.

Manage Variance

Finance teams get real time access to headcount data, helping demystify the headcount changes and their impact on the budget.

Spreadsheets are unable to support the hundreds of changes that happen once a headcount plan has been created. headcount365 not only tracks all changes to the headcount plan, but also provides robust reporting for finance leaders to create financial excellence.

Accuracy Guaranteed

Finance teams can now pull headcount data from a single source of truth, eliminating the accuracy issues from reconciling numerous spreadsheets and reports.

headcount365 is specifically designed to capture headcount based financial information. Our reporting suite was created by former talent and finance leaders to solve for the most time consuming parts of the hiring process. Now, instead of spending time collecting this data, finance leaders can action it instantly with the click of a button.

“headcount365 revolutionizes the way growth stage companies manage headcount finance”